Customising push messages

The Notification Plugin by default handles a specific format of push notification message data sent by the NDS:

    "notification_type": "payment_received",
    "notification_payload": "{ \"payment_hash\": \"\" }",
    "app_data": ""

If you want to customise the structure or field names of the push notification message data handled by the Notification Plugin, you can follow the code example below for adding these to iOS and Android. In these examples we replace the notification_type and notification_payload fields with custom_type and custom_payload.

First you need to override the getTaskFromNotification function in the implementation of the SDKNotificationService class. Then from content.userInfo use the custom fields to get the notification type and payload:
class NotificationService: SDKNotificationService {
    // Override the `getTaskFromNotification` function 
    override func getTaskFromNotification() -> TaskProtocol? {
        guard let content = bestAttemptContent else { return nil }
        guard let notificationType = content.userInfo["custom_type"] as? String else { return nil }
        self.logger.log(tag: TAG, line: "Notification payload: \(content.userInfo)", level: "INFO")
        self.logger.log(tag: TAG, line: "Notification type: \(notificationType)", level: "INFO")
        guard let payload = content.userInfo["custom_payload"] as? String else {
            return nil
        self.logger.log(tag: TAG, line: "\(notificationType) data string: \(payload)", level: "INFO")
        switch(notificationType) {
            return RedeemSwapTask(payload: payload, logger: self.logger, contentHandler: contentHandler, bestAttemptContent: bestAttemptContent)
        case Constants.MESSAGE_TYPE_LNURL_PAY_INFO:
            return LnurlPayInfoTask(payload: payload, logger: self.logger, config: self.config, contentHandler: contentHandler, bestAttemptContent: bestAttemptContent)
        case Constants.MESSAGE_TYPE_LNURL_PAY_INVOICE:
            return LnurlPayInvoiceTask(payload: payload, logger: self.logger, config: self.config, contentHandler: contentHandler, bestAttemptContent: bestAttemptContent)
            return ReceivePaymentTask(payload: payload, logger: self.logger, contentHandler: contentHandler, bestAttemptContent: bestAttemptContent)
            return nil
First you need to change the RemoteMessage.asMessage function in the implementation of the MessagingService class. Then from data use the custom fields to get the notification type and payload:
class ExampleFcmService : MessagingService, FirebaseMessagingService() {
    // Change the `RemoteMessage.asMessage` function
    private fun RemoteMessage.asMessage(): Message? {
        return data["custom_type"]?.let {
            Message(data["custom_type"], data["custom_payload"])